Confession time…

Back in August 2020, when we set up Gustaf, while we had a fair few miles on the collective clock, we didn’t have the foggiest where this particular new road would take us.

But that’s part of what’s making the journey so exciting!

In the last two years our team’s been challenged to do all sorts of crazy, borderline unbelievable stuff. Stuff we actually never knew we could do. Until we did it.

Helping tens of thousands of employees love work more, with engaging events and fun workplace experiences.

And inspiring workforces by transforming hundreds of thousands of square feet of workspace to create more stimulating working environments.

Oh, and we’ve delivered close to a quarter of a million employee reward hampers, too.

It’s fair to say, we’ve been out of our comfort zone more than in it. But never out of our depth. And together we’ve absolutely smashed it!

Back to the start… one of our first jobs was to set up the business bank account. There’s a bewildering choice out there for UK start-ups. But we went with Starling, who’ve been perfect for us.

Their online application form needed a number putting in the ‘Estimated Yr1 Turnover’ box.

It was a bit of a finger in the air job and we must admit, we thought we’d over-egged it.

Don’t get us wrong, we’re not talking Brewster’s. But 12 months in, our actuals were so far ahead of our kitchen table projections, our Business Manager belled us sounding, for all the world, like he was worried we might be involved in money laundering. We weren’t!

It’s just that our numbers were looking so good, compared to our forecast, we got the red flags waving at the bank. Decent start, hey?

So, for Yr2 we got all grown-up and set ourselves some goals – commercials, operations, logistics, premises, head count. You know the script.

But our most important goal was to be in good enough shape to whisk the team away for a few days to the sun, just to say THANK YOU for everyone’s hard graft.

So, we’re chuffed to report, for a few days next week we’ll be slumming it in this hellhole on the Costa Blanca.

We’ll be taking our laptops with us. You know, just in case. And we’re got a couple of al fresco strategy sessions planned (where there may or may not be Sangria consumed).

But we can’t wait for four glorious days in the sun, letting our hair down and having an absolute blast.

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