Festivals can be magical places.
The thud of the bass drum. The heat from the crowd. The smell of the outdoors.
The euphoria of that perfect singalong moment with your arm round your best friend. Beer in hand.
It can be hard to beat from an experience perspective.
Because of our past life in the music biz, you’d be hard pressed to find a festival we haven’t either been to or played at.
We’ve watched the flame throwers at Germany’s MELT festival blaze with glory around the main stage.
We’ve clambered through illuminated forests in the foothills of Mount Fuji at Japan’s “Fuji Rock”.
We’ve stood fixated at the aerial circus performance at Budapest’s “Sziget”.
We’ve lay in the long grass gazing at the stars at Glastonbury’s Stone Circle.
We've even PLAYED at Glastonbury. Yep - really.
Those were some incredible opportunities for us to soak up inspiration. Long before Gustaf was born.
But hints of each of those events, we can share with you. ... to craft a truly mind-blowing experience for your guests, at a festival themed event.
Shall we begin?